
Green Business Summit

The Sonnenschein Green Businness Summit is happening in conjunction with the Financial PermacultureSummit, with evening events open to and local Hohenwald residents.

The intention of the Financial Permaculture Course and Sonnenshein Green Business Summit are to create opportunities for the design of sustainable local businesses that will help bring investments to Lewis county and provide a templet for the greening of other communities.

The Sonnenschein Committee is working with the local Chamber of Commerce to create localized investment in green business ventures.  Part of the Financial Permaculture course will focus on synergizing local business expertise with international understanding of financial markets and a firm grounding in sustainable business practices to provide a holistic education experience for all participants.

The evening events for the Sonnenschein Green Business Summit will encourage an on-going collaboration with the local community through panels of local leaders and international experts, lectures, world cafe’s, and group discussions.

Articles & updates about financial permaculture and regenerative economics to include community organizers, permaculture designers, green business pioneers, students and enthusiasts of sustainability from around the globe can be found at the Financial Permaculture Resource Hub.

Production & Creative Services

by Living Mandala, 2008

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Financial Permaculture:

Greening a Rural American Community

Media Coverage

Sept 4, 2008 Lewis County Herald

- Plans for Sonnenschein Green Business Summit Begin Later this Month.

- Consider Thrifty, Green Business Ventures Tuesday

Coast to Coast Radio - October 2008

Financial permaculture investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitz, permaculture designer and author albert Bates, and Debbie Landers appeared on Coast to Coast radio to discuss sustainable businesses and ways communities can work together to get through the coming economic storm. Read More.

We have defined sustainable as:

Zero Waste: No waste should be generated by any business.  Waste is just an opportunity for another business or industry to recycle extra resources into the local economy.

Net Positive Gain: Part of being “green” is social responsibility.  We have chosen Net Positive gain as our rubric for understanding how a business or organization is interacting with the community and environment.  If a business is adding to the diversity and resilience of the local economy and ecology, we would say it has a positive net gain and is sustainable.

Sept 22-26, 2009  Hohenwald, Tennessee