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2008, Living Mandala
creative services by: 360 Degrees

In Association With


Cascadia Workshops

Facilitators & Instructors

Sri Nath

Jay Ma

Barbara Larson

Alan Seid

Lyla June Johnson

Bryan Thomas

Are the weeds of self-judgment, overwhelm and confusion overrunning the garden of your heart?

Wonder how our worst enemies & most threatening competitors can evolve to become our best friends?

Ready to allow the sun of clarity to flower in your life?

Let’s co-create a harmonious life from the inside out.

Course Inspiration

As we all know there are many problems facing the world today - climate change, de-forestation, peak oil, species extinction, clean water, poverty, inequality, corruption... and so much more. Sometimes all of these challenges can seem overwhelming.

Many sages, yogi's and saints, including Mahatma Ghandi, Thich Nat Hahn, Ammachi, and others have said that our external situations, societal injustice, and ecological unrest are all eternal circumstances manifesting from the pollution of negative thought forms, unkind words, and hateful judgmental thinking. This gives us insight into how to clean up our world, one conversation at a time, starting within. To get to the root of the problem, we must tend to our inner garden.

"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

- Mahatma Ghandi

Course Description

This course is all about tending to what is often referred to as Zone Zero  (or 00) in Permaculture - the inner garden, the soil and seeds from which everything external sprouts and bears its bear fruit as an offering to the world.

During this course, using the language, teachings, and examples found in nature, living systems, permaculture principles, non-violent communication, pattern language, and universal listening, we will uncover practices to clean-up and transform our own inner gardens.

In this 6-Session live, interactive, tele-seminar series, we will learn various practices to restore balance and beauty to the mind and heart, and how to engage the world in a way the supports the thriving of life in ourselves, others, and the world.

With a dynamic play of live practice, interactive role-plays, and ground breaking interviews... we well:

  1. Explore the art of Self empathy by unlocking the prison of "should", and transform enemy images into Restorative Seeing.

  2. Learn a daily Self compassion practice to grow love in Self talk - a way to make stressful decisions from the heart with more ease to get to YES.

  3. Mediate internal conflicts so we don't spill pain on others, and find the sweet spot in our own lives to be a joyful and empowered agent of change through Permaculture, Compassionate Communication, & Climate Justice.

Whether you call in live from the rural permaculture farm or the heart of the urban jungle, you will experience the marriage of Compassionate Communication & Permaculture Principles with a small carbon footprint, meet and connect with an interdependent web of co-learners, worldwide, mobilizing for climate justice, from the inside out. We'd love to go on this journey with you in service to creating thriving relationships with ourselves, each other, and Mother Nature.

"This course is growing like a permaculture garden, itself. This is the third year we have played with the evolutions of this offering and delighted its re-seeding and taking a life of its own, synergizing with Jay Ma & Living Mandala, Evolver, Barbara Larson & Alan Seid who are Certified Trainers with The Center for Nonviolent Communication, community outreach supported by Elyssa Serrilli, and servant-lead by Sri Nath.

This ground-breaking course is co-designed with the intentions to serve the Soul to flourish and your unique gifts to thrive, brilliantly in service to balance with Earth.

Below are the descriptions of each of these amazing classes during this series. You can register for any individual session, or the entire course.

Session 1 (Aug 8): "Your Zone Zero Sweet Spot"

With Sri Nath, Jay Ma & Alan Seid

Sri Nath interview's Center for Nonviolent Communication Certified Trainer Alan Seid of Bodhi Creek Farm, Cascadia Workshops, and The Center for Nonviolent Communication. In this interview, Alan Seid and Sri Nath will be talking about the convergence between (1) personal development, (2) making a difference, and (3) crafting your ideal lifestyle. Alan works with people committed to the place where those three converge, and he sees five necessary components to being effective on that path: mindsets, tools, skills, resources, and community. Through Q&A with Alan, we will explore how Compassionate Communication and Permaculture principles can serve your Zone Zero sweet spot in the age of climate turbulence, peak oil and economic instability, and lead to a positive and resilient "we" space.

Session 2 (Aug 15): “Composting Should’s Into Flowers of Choice”

With Sri Nath, Lyla June Johnson  & Jay Ma

We will get more clear on the needs behind challenging tasks and get clear which strategies the life us wants to keep watering and weed out.  In this course, will dig in and turn over our own shoulds so that we can go beyond unconsciously doing what we don't want to and pick more soulfully aligned options to take us down the path we want to go and even begin to enjoy what we dislike so aversion can become the nectar of contentment with the authentic actions that challenge us to grow.  This Compassionate Communication process of Marshall Rosenberg's is like aeration for the Spirit and frees up a lot of space for new growth to flourish and thrive.

Session 3 (Aug 22): “4-Step Daily Compost Practice for Anger, Guilt, Shame & Depression"

With Sri Nath & Barbara Larson

Here's an opportunity to experience and learn the skills of tending Zone Zero Zero, the inner landscape of the mind/body/soul.  Bringing attention to the most ordinary experience of our common human daily practice, our own self talk, come on a journey within, exploring how what we tell ourselves, moment to moment, has a profound impact on the health of our inner garden, which in turn affects all life around us. Join us in slowing down...... and noticing..... how our self talk either contributes to a toxic inner environment leading to a life out of balance or,  can liberate ourselves to live vital, creative lives of contribution, in harmony with ourselves, our community and our environment. In this first session we'll practice one application of the skill of self-empathy: composting Life-alienating judgments, blame, shame, guilt and anger into Life-connected creative energies such as autonomy, love, contribution, belonging, integrity and purpose.

Session 4 (Aug 29): "Inner Resilience by Mediating Internal Conflicts"

With Sri Nath & Bryan Thomas

Yogi Berra said, "When you get to a fork in the road, take it."  The brain is an organ of duality and the heart is an organ of unity.  In this course, each person will be supported to work through an inner conflict through a simple 9-step internal mediation process designed by a man called "Shantigarbha" (Seed of Peace).  You will be supported to sit in the discomfort of Zone Zero Zero and bring non-duality to what seems to be an illusion of inner separation and move towards seeing the mandorla of the both/and, from within by looking and seeing the shared needs in two different strategies, "use the edges" and be prepared to move down the path with more heart connection, integrity, and clarity.

Contact & More Info

For questions and more information regarding the course

e-mail: education(at) or

call: (707) 634-1461


Tuition & Registration

If you’ve a healthy yield, we warmly invite you to participate in this journey for a small contribution for this pilgrimage into the heart, onwards…

Village Builder - $195 (Stand in your abundance and support the true cost of this course and this good work!)

Standard / Supplemented - $129

Early Bird - $99 (available until July 18)

Individual Sessions- $25 (sign up for any individual sessions)

  1. *There will be a small registration fee in addition to the above prices.

To Register for the On-Line Course Click Here.

Recordings Available! Start Anytime!

Can’t make all the dates, or joining late? No Problem! Each session will be recorded and will made available for participants to review afterwards So if you sign-up late, miss a session, or just want to review one - you can at anytime.

On-Line Tele-Course? How Does it Work?

In this on-line tele-course format, you can participate by calling in from your computer (like a skype call) or by calling in from a phone. You can connect via a computer via internet to a live virtual classroom hosting a live webcam of the instructor, chat, and ways to interact with other participants.

Course Description

This course is all about tending to zone zero - the inner garden, the soil and seeds from which everything external sprouts and bears its bear fru

Session Dates, Times, and Titles

6-week Tele-Course on Thursdays, August 8 - Sept 12, 2013

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm San Francisco • 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm New York

  1. Aug 8th: Your Zone Zero Zero Sweet Spot

  2. Aug 15th: Composting Should’s into Flowers of Choice

  3. Aug 22nd: 4-Step Daily Compost Practice for Anger, Guilt, Shame & Depression

  4. Aug 29th: Inner Resilience by Mediating Internal Conflicts

  5. Sept 5: Scalable Inner Gardening with Holistic Decisiveness

  6. Sept 12: Transforming Enemy Images into Companion Planting

Session 5 (Sept 5): “Scalable Inner Gardening with Holistic Decisiveness”

With Sri Nath, Lyla June Johnson & Jay Ma

In the age of over-information, we are given so many seeds of possibility and only so much time, physical vitality, resources, and relations to foster them to become successful dreams landed in reality. This course supports us to use the complexity of our options as a leverage point for focusing in on a more simple way of being that gets to the essence of what would truly serve a joyful and beautiful life.  Often times we think up strategies of what to do next without considering the consequences and with little regard for what the heart says. You will learn a easy and systematic Compassionate Communication process to organize and track many strategies that the mind is spinning and go through each of them back towards the somatic wisdom of how we feel in relation to the needs unmet or met by actions.  This process sharpens discernment and uses the diversity of the mental complexity to strengthen resiliency of slowing down, with a "start small and build on success" attitude.

Session 6 (Sept 12):  "Transforming Enemy Images into Companion Planting"

With Sri Nath & Jay Ma

Its tough to create the harmony our soil of life needs when we are stuck in the illusion of separation. At our core, we are all inter-beings and interconnected with the tree of life. This course is a mindful space to be heard about the pain behind enemy image thoughts. Basically we will consciously use the sophistication of a war room, where enemy images are tracked and transform the call into a peace room, with the co-intelligence of empathy without fixing, or advising, or analyzing… just hearing the heart behind the words. We will be holding space for a compassionate "back yard burn pile" by having enemy judgment branches and heavy criticism logs of the mind be heard from the heart so those ashes become next seasons nutrients for harvests of friendship, ally images, and partnership. Gardens of sorts grow easier, when we move from opposition to collaboration and conscious co-creation.

What is Zone Zero?

In Permaculture, there are commonly said to be 6 Zones: 0 - 5, radiating our from the self, home, or center of initiative to the wild or unmanaged areas, defined by frequency of use. "Zone Zero" is considered by some to be the Home (with Zone 00) as the Self). In Social Permaculture, "Zone Zero" is more often referred to as the relationship landscape between people and inner landscape within people... the heart place.  "Honing Zone Zero," here, means apprenticing & cultivating healthy relationship to Self, from the heart place and people in which we co-exist, in community, as inter-beings. We are playing with two of many ways to hone zone zero ... Permaculture Principles and Compassionate Communication. If your heart and relationship gardens need to be watered with thriving presence & Self compassion, join us for this tele-course!

What is Permaculture?

Permaculture is a holistic design philosophy described as the art and science of creating community ecosystems in which plants, animals, human beings, and all forms of ecological diversity interact to produce a prolific, ecologically-sound, and regenerative system that can support itself and life indefinitely. The focus of permaculture is to design and establish societal systems that provide for humanity’s material and non-material needs including food, water, shelter, energy, and health in a way that is symbiotic and synergistic with the Earth’s natural ecosystems. More recently permaculture is incorporating an ever-growing landscape of diverse fields and skill sets and is being applied towards areas such as business, government, economics, group process, social systems, and inner work.

Empathic Life Coaching Series

To learn more about Sri Nath's 6-week 1-with-1 Empathic Life Coaching series, "Crafting Self Compassion" starting July 29th, 2013, click here:

To schedule a end of summer "Peaceful Heart of Integrity" co-learning event with Sri Nath & your Permaculture Guild or community contact us.

Proceeds from the above courses support bringing this work to co-learn composting permaculture, Compassionate Communication, and Restorative Circle Systems with slum medical camps in Mumbai, slum schools in New Delhi, university natural disaster management programs in South India, and an ashram. Thanks for expressing generosity to serve life.

May the fruits of our actions benefit all beings to be happy.

To Register for the Course Click Here.



Honing Zone Zero:

Living Compassionate Communication & Permaculture to Sustain Self-Connection

6-week Tele-Course on Thursdays from August 8 - Sept 12, 2013

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm San Francisco; 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm New York

Alan Seid

Alan Seid (pronounced "side") has been studying NVC since 1995 and has been a Certified Trainer in NVC since 2003. He has been studying Permaculture since 1998, and attended a 4-week certificate course at the Bullock Brothers homestead in 1999. Alan and his partner Tricia found their dream property in 2000 with the intention of starting a learning center for sustainability tools and practices, as part of a larger vision for a functional ecovillage. Alan works as a coach, consultant, and seminar leader with individuals and organizations who are committed to positive change. Over the years Alan's clients have come from the academic, nonprofit, business, and government sectors, nationally and internationally. In early 2013 Alan organized a tele-summit on NVC and social change that attracted over 1600 people from over 30 countries, the largest NVC event to-date, on or off line. Alan grew up bilingual/bicultural in Mexico City, Mexico, and works mostly from home in the foothills of Washington State's North Cascades. As a recovering perfectionist, Alan believes strongly in being willing to take imperfect action, with two examples being: and

Barbara Larson

Barbara Larson has been sharing the process of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) as a Certified Trainer for the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) since 1999 and growing a permaculture farm at NVC Family Camp ( on Vashon Island, WA for 9 years.. She has worked in numerous International Intensive Trainings with Dr Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of NVC, served on the international CNVC board, and is a member of the CNVC Trainer Certification team. Barbara is a founding member and board member of Northwest Compassionate Communication. Barbara’s diverse trainings are inspired by her mission to live her values of compassion, community and social change by sharing the process of NVC and growing food close to home.

Sri Nath

Sri Nath (pronnounced "shree-not") is joyful when seeing all of the flow of life experience, to be a pilgrimage into the heart of the whole Universe. He has co-learned & served in hands-on community permaculture projects in Ladakh, Auroville, Sonoma County, Kerala, Hummingbird Community and studied indigenous permaculture with Louie Hena from Tesugeh Pueblo and a shortened PDC with Rico Zook from Northern New Mexico. Sri Nath apprenticed humanure composting toilet systems with Barbara Larson and Doug Dolstadt at NVC Family Camp and studied the process through North America & Asia. He has been an Empathic Life Coach with over 20 people and co-created hundreds of Compassionate Communication & Restorative Circle co-learning practice groups with 1000's of people in schools, universities, jails, massacre & natural disaster zones, police & sheriff's departments, border conflicts, gangs, militaries, governments, NGO's, social change settings, youth movements, religious groups, intentional communities and businesses throughout North America, India, and Panya Permaculture in Thailand since 2007. He has apprenticed Compassionate Communication with over 35 Certified Trainers, including founder, Marshall Rosenberg and slowly co-learning to put it into practice with Dominic Barter who teaches people to host Restorative Justice Systems and Restorative Circles to embrace community conflict. Sri Nath is a graduate of the 2011 Bay Area Nonviolent Communication Leadership Program and volunteered and participated with the Nonviolent Communication & Diversity Retreat, and co-facilitated in Compassionate Communication Community Camps in USA, India & Canada where Permaculture Principles have been integral.

Lyla Johnston

Lyla Johnston is a Diné (Navajo) poet, activist, musician and anthropologist from Taos, New Mexico. She studied Human Ecology at Stanford University and helped coordinate the Stanford Spoken Word Collective for four years. She considers each poem to be a prayer and seeks to speak the message of the Creator. With every word she strives to invoke the urgency of love, beauty, unity and freedom.

Bryan Thomas

Bryan Thomas has been working in the field of counseling for 12 years and in Wilderness Therapy for the past 6.  He earned a Master’s degree in Wilderness Therapy from Naropa University in Boulder Colorado and is licensed as a clinical counselor by the state of New Mexico. Some of the organizations that he has been professionally involved with are:  Nonviolence Works, Open Sky Wilderness Therapy, Passages to Recovery, San Cristobal Treatment Center, and Phoenix of Santa Barbara. He well understands the power of the therapeutic relationship both as a counselor and as one being counseled.  Having sought out the bigger world of nature during transitions in his own life he chose to offer this approach, wilderness therapy, because of the healing process that time in the wilderness naturally fosters. As one of the founders of Common Ground Counseling he offers his experience and expertise with those willing to journey further into themselves.

Elyssa Serrilli

Elyssa Serrilli is guided in her outer purpose by the sutra, "without inner change, no change is possible; without outer change, no change matters" (angel Kyodo williams). Loving People as much as she loves our Earth, she strives for authentic relationship and is nourished by sharing the gifts that have helped her on her journey, including yoga practice, compassionate communication, nature immersion, earth spirituality and community service. She feels most alive engaging her whole body~mind~spirit in grateful service to our individual and collective evolution.

For the past ten years, Elyssa has served as a experiential education facilitator and observer of humanity. Elyssa sees herself less as a teacher and more as a guide, letting experience be the real teacher. Her aim is for participants to experience ‘flow’ – the gift of being so engaged in an activity that they lose track of time, lose self-consciousness and self-judgment, and momentarily dissolve the illusion of separation. Elyssa guides participants through many activities that, at their best, create flow, including: adventure-based recreation (paddling, climbing, snow travel); nature and natural science-based exploration of woodlands, mountains and rivers; performance art; healing rituals; seasonal celebrations; community service projects; environmental regeneration; and the food alchemy of fermentation.

Jay Ma

Director of Programs - LIving Mandala

Jay Ma is a holistic educator, regenerative design consultant, permaculture teacher, and social entrepreneur committed to creating ecological and cultural resiliency through living systems design principles. As the founder and director of programs at Living Mandala, Jay works with holistic educators, businesses, communities and institutions designing, organizing, and promoting educational trainings, events, and initiatives for personal, ecological and social transformation in the pacific northwest, nationally, and internationally. Jay is a community organizer and seasoned event producer who has produced educational programs, retreats, workshops, conferences and community development projects for 12 years now with organizations including the Regenerative Design Institute, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Gaia University, Omega Institute, Harmony Festival, and many others.

Jay received his first Permaculture Design Certificate in 2001, started his degree program in performing Arts Production Management at Naropa University, received a B.S. through New College of California in Culture, Ecology, and Sustainable Community with a concentration in Eco-Dwelling & Natural Building in 2005, and is currently a Master's Candidate at Gaia University in Integrative Ecosocial Design. He is a two-time graduate of the pioneering two-year training intensive in Regenerative Design & Nature Awareness through the Regenerative Design Institute. Jay is permaculture design course instructor, a nature connection educator, a community facilitator, and a fire walk instructor through Sundoor International.

Jay is also co-founder of Shire Springs - a developing Ecovillage based on Permaculture Ethics & Peacemaking Principles offering affordable residential Ecovillage living and community co-stewardship opportunities on a beautiful oasis in the greater Mt. Shasta Bioregion in California - U.S.A.. Jay is skilled community organizer as well as an engaging educator passionate about sustainability, nature connection, social entrepreneurship, team building, and creating a culture of human beings living harmoniously with each other and our environment. More information on Jay Ma can be found on his Linkedin Profile.

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