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2008, Living Mandala
creative services by: 360 Degrees
In Association With
Raw Institute of Permaculture Education
Sponsors Included
Facilitators, Teachers & Constants
Course Inspiration
“Aloha ‘Aina” is Hawaiian for “love of the land”, or “to love, respect, and nurture the land.” As human beings now facing a time of great environmental and social transformation, we believe that it is through this spirit of reconnecting to ourselves, to our communities, and to the Earth with a spirit of love and care that we will renew and restore a healthy balance of human beings living in harmony with each other and their natural environment. We are inspired and grateful to be offering this holistic permaculture design intensive at the Resonance Project and greater Island Community to further empower and synergize our efforts of ecological and social regeneration.
Course Description
The Aloha ‘Aina Holistic Permaculture Design Course will include the standard 72-hour permaculture design curriculum based upon the original Mollison and Holmgren ideas and design philosophies published in The Permaculture Designer’s Manual, as well as be a nourishing retreat for the participants, the land, and the greater Island community. In addition to the standard permaculture design certification curriculum, we recognize permaculture as an expanding, holistic design philosophy encompassing many fields. Accordingly, this permaculture design course will include and integrate additional content and activities such as nature awareness, indigenous wisdom, holistic nutrition, embodiment practices, inner work, group process, unified field theory, and more. With a focus on tending the inner as well as the outer landscapes, course participants will work with each other and local community residents on tangible design project scenarios to implement positive transformation within themselves and in the local community. The retreat is designed to be nourishing for the participants, the land, and the greater Island community. For a more detailed description of course contents, see below.
Living Mandala’s Present its Premier Course
Aloha ‘Aina
A Holistic Permaculture Design Course
Occurred February 3rd-19th, 2008
At The Resonance Project Community
Big Island, Hawaii
Certification Applicability
Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a Permaculture Design Certificate. Design Certification is applicable towards Gaia University Degree programs.
Range of Course Topics Included:
Designer's Tools
Design Methods & Process
Maps and Mapping
Zones, Site Analysis
Design Projects
Hands-On Activities
Social Permaculture
Eco-Village Design
Cultural Mentoring
Zone Zero, Inner Work
Heart Circles
Personal Empowerment
Group Facilitation
Invisible Structures
Green Economics
Archetypal Biology
Biodynamic Farming
Geo-Political Landscapes
Holistic Nutrition
Yoga & Embodiment’
Physics & Unified Field Theory
Permaculture Design
Observation & Nature Awareness
Indigenous Wisdom
Natural Pattern Recognition
Pattern Design and Biomimicry
Bird Language & Tracking
Water on the Landscape
Swales, Keyline, & Pond Building
Rain Harvesting & Catchments
Grey Water & Bioremediation
Tropical Permaculture
Natural Building
Organic Gardening
Forest Ecology
Food Forest Gardening
Soil Ecology & Soil Building
Appropriate Technology
Alternative & Renewable Energy
Urban Permaculture
Animals in the System